Other Ways to Give

Supporting students at the Alamo Colleges District is flexible and convenient. We have many different ways you can give.

For questions about your gift or for more information about any of the opportunities listed below, please call the Alamo Colleges Foundation at 210-485-0044 or email at dst-foundation@madorders.com.


By Mail

Please complete and print a Giving Form PDF. If you are donating by check, please note the fund you wish to support on the memo line. 

Send the form and your check, made payable to Alamo Colleges Foundation, to: 

Alamo Colleges Foundation 
District Institutional Advancement 
2222 N. Alamo St. 
San Antonio, Texas 78215 

Request a Crowdfunding Campaign

Crowdfunding, also known as peer-to-peer fundraising, is an exciting way to partner with colleagues, family or friends to generate funding for a specific Alamo Colleges cause or project important to you! Check out our current list of crowdfunding opportunities, or create your own! If you are a faculty member, staff member, or student of the Alamo Colleges District and want to request your own crowdfunding portal, please complete the Crowdfunding Request link below.

Start Crowdfunding

For questions, contact Richard Farias, Director of Annual Giving, at rfarias14@madorders.com.

Stocks, Real Estate, and Gifts of Property

We welcome gifts of appreciated stocks and securities, real estate and personal property.


Alamo Colleges Foundation

Gifts In-Kind

To donate materials or equipment to one of our education programs, begin by contacting the Alamo Colleges Foundation or the program coordinator, chairperson, or academic dean for the program area of interest.

Examples include instructional materials, equipment, tools and machinery.


Richard Farias
Director of Annual Giving

Matching Gifts

Through your employer, you may be able to double the value of your donation with a matching gift.

Check with your Human Resources department to see if your employer or your spouse’s employer has a program that matches qualifying donations.


If you have received or plan to receive an honorarium in gratitude for providing your time or talent, you may have it donated to any of our funds.  This is yet another way to support students in a meaningful way.


Richard Farias
Director of Annual Giving


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